Mind Balance and living in the center of a
Sphere of a-bun-dance

To become smarter,
first you much consider what smarter really is!

Active Meditation is a wonderful self-understanding process leading us to know
"how to use the brain and not have the brain abuse you".
(Check out the book ACTIVE MEDITATION
by Robert R. Leichtman, M.D. and Carl Japikse)

Stress is your consciousness telling you something is wrong
with how you're going about things...
"a mind is a terrible thing to mis-use" :-)
Relaxation and Self-Care, Guided Imagery, & Visualizations

Before using these supplements, first check with your Herbalist and/or Natropathic Doctor - and keep a journal of the responses you have and if you have a sluggish mind, remember to:

Get tested to see if any hormones are imbalanced and which ones need attention. However, don't use synthetic hormones from animals or test tubes, and don't let a doctor tell you to get on the pill to balance hormones either. Heal your body and it will produce the ones you need if you give it SUPERFOODS & Erogonomic Wellness.

Also, get tested to see if your thyroid is imbalanced as well. In our adrenaline run society, our thyroid and adrenal glands live in constant over-use. This will one day be understood as a big part of the Manic-Depression mystery revealed. Seems so many of us are living in a blur... it's time to Step Out of the BLUR SOCIETY.

 Supplements-Nutrition & Nootropics:  


This amazing "cumulative" supplement has many uses & saves lives.

You don't have to keep taking Hydergine (it can be great for a transition time or cirsis) yet because it helps the bushy parts of our brain to grow - connections to be made with synapes... it's effects remain forever, once taken. However, many people do keep using it ongoing if they have neurological needs - it is non-toxic being that is it body reguating oxygen - it even crosses the BBB to allow ongoing oxygen in the brain as needed - because it regulates to just what your body needs and is being used in European Hospital for strokes, pre-surgery, & first aid.

It's better to do it at a time when you can focus inwardly and deeply at the other blocks in your life that are part of what's causing a sluggish mind or for those who wish to optimize their brain power.

It has the amazing quality of growing and connecting the bushy parts of our brain tissues that transmit thought and therefore, help in connecting left & right brains thus, increasing the percentage of the amount of brain we use. This one is suggested for Manic-Depressive people, and those with Chronic Depression, as long as deep inner work is done simtainously with Active Meditation or other similar tools and better yet a Intiutive Guidance with someone who is wise to how love heals and who cares for the person. However, in the US it is most prescribed for Alzheimer's Disease and those with Senility disorders. Anywhere else in the civilized world, they give to anyone going into an operation because it keeps the brain alive longer. It oxygenates the brain and that's why it builds the connetive bushy parts of our brain. There is no toxicity, or side effects to this amazing supplement, yet don't take more than 9mg.(international top dose) and work your way up to it. Start with 1mg. and see how it feels while increasing it slowly directed by your intuition and circumstances and not on an empty stomach. You may become more psychic and even remember past lives, if are open to that kind of information. Emotional Intelligence is Psychic Telepathy and energetic medicine has revealed that all of us can have Psychic abilities if we make the symapes reach that part of our intelligence.

So "smarter" is more psychic, and when the is nutured it is connected with emotional intelligence and it the person is in service to using it for the good of all then more and more insights keep coming. We all have the potential to be guided to listen within and understand more - as it is now - most people they say... use only 10 percent at best of
our brains - and with H ydergine we are able to use more than we normally do and it has a very good effect on many people - and even saves lives.

Piracetam + Choline- 
Choline can be used alone but not Piracetam, it must be used with Choline, cumulative connecting left & right brains and increasing the amount of brain we use & physical, mental &/or emotional equilibrium.
This one has been suggested for so-called Manic-Depressive ("bi-polar") people.

"Manic Depressions is: Inspiration hitting the wall of manifestation - through a life of outer motivation disconnection from INNER MOTIVATION. These are brilliant sensitve sould who are inventors and can help inovate the way things are done. Once they find their their inner motivation they begin to calm down and connect the brain synapes through a natural process of intrest center learning, with technical media skills applied to their passionate focus. In addition learning CO-CREATIVE COMMUNICATION skills to support their creative expressions and insights along with Ergonomic Wellness that allows them to learn how to make themselves comforable. and centeredness to acomplish the small steps of a big vision.. and as they do all this.. they gain support for the service they provide & they heal."

Something like this....

Emotional Intelligence + Ergonomic Wellness + Superfood Nutrition & whole foods +
Treatments of Energetic Medicine (Alternative Treatments, meditation, self-hypnosis, self-care) +
Healthy Interdependent Love + Joyful Service to others in need +
Creative Expressions of Inspiration + Inner Motivation & Co-Creative Communications
(to gain and offer support within & with all those around you)
+ Learning how to take small steps for a big vision
(slow gear, making a flexible plan, coming up with creative ways to organize it)


Great for the heart and metabolism and therefore has many other positive side effects for over all health, considered an "anti-aging" supplement.
A sluggish mind might be connected to a sluggish body.

DHEA - Hormonal balancer, also considered an "anti-aging" supplement and these other complications may be part of a sluggish mind.

Superfood Supplements with Spiralina, Cholrella, Blue Green Algea, Maca, Gogi Berries, Golden Berries, Young Co-Conuts and co-co nut oil and other wonderful food based nutrients can only help to keep an alert mind along with a whole foods wellness lifestyle
A live-it not a diet!

High quality multi-Vitamins especially high in:
B-6, B-12, Folic Acid, Selenium  & Vitamin E

(particularly known for benefiting the brain.)
Remember the 5 Brain G's: Garlic, Ginkgo, Gotu Kola, Ginseng, & Ginger

Herbs & Essential Oils that boost brain power: Basil, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Peppermint, Rosemary, & Thyme

You can help heal the planet...

ake a bath, take a nap, relax & feel good inside...
& from that place - together we can take our first steps
in this amazing journey of our planet's awakening.