
What do you do?

This is the most important question
& who we are/is, is the answer?

{In a world where how we respond to what happens, is more important than what happens to us} some say, their profession... (more & more are doing their life callings, not just a job) some say, they're a wife... mother... roles we have taken on... (blessed service) some say, Enjoy the moment... live life fully & keepin' movin'!

The answer is... who we are/is exists on many levels.

As we keep on asking the question...we get deeper & deeper answers. Our posture, how we walk, &/or sit... is reflected in all we think & do. What comes in & out of our mouths... (what we talk about and how we do it) is just as important as the foods we eat to be healthy. Who we {are/is} is a combination of all that's happened to us, and how we've proccessed it... Who we are/is, is how we see ourselves & our future.

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