Water=emotional balance
HOW we support one another is very important.

All too often the cure is worse than the disease -
and those who try to help us -
only make us feel less capable to handle our own lives
We need healthy support, we are all tribal beings
and have a deep need for group connection - it's how we grow -
through one anther's experiences & through support for our own.

What would it be like if we were taught
to deal w
ith our pain constructively
& were truly given support for who we are?

(For more information on this, check out the book:
The Optimistic Child by Martin E. Seligman, Ph.D

We all need this healthy support system that friends
& families mean to give us.

But if they never got it themselves,
and have not learn how to give it to themselves -
how could they know how to offer it to others?

 How many of us got a support system
that had all kind of conditions attached to it?

Imagine us all...

teaching our children that life is about how we do, what we do...
our joyous life health rituals, honest quest for learning
& gratitude for all the blessings in our lives -
and knowing that this is what continually attracts what's best for all of us.

Whether acknowledged or not, those of us who become depressed
&/or self-destructive
are very sensitive people.
People who do not yet know how to channel these qualities
into the useful tools they are.

So many of us feel alienated by the highly commercialized ideals of today.
Most of us are stressed out, moving way too fast, trying to do way too much,
and are in a constant state of crisis about money or jobs or the lack of them.
We are constantly chasing whatever we feel will fill the void inside.

All this & more, is an big factor that's often times is a cause for many peoples depression &/or self-destructive behaviors -
often times we are unconsciously messing up anything in life that goes well
or making the things that don't go well - worse.

Some of us feed on the frenzy of a busy lifestyle
and are what's now being phrased as:

"Adrenaline Junkies".

Some of us even go so far as to have developed a fear of things going well -
because it means something bad will soon follow, this is being called:

"Happiness Anxiety".

Or some of us go from victim to rebel mode -
something that we think is a brain chemical imbalance:

"Manic Depression".
When we sneeze our brain changes chemicals -
(Caused from a lack of healthy support, nutrition balance and understanding for how to make our dreams come true... in other words -
when inspiration hits the wall of manifestation.)
(More info on Depression, Manic Depression, & ADD)
There are lots of labels for our fear's particular expression.
(our coping methods for those fears)
Beyond the labels of "sickness" is a way to go beyond it all
towards a healthy balanced life and empowerment towards goals.

The Visualization:
Seeing ourselves in the center of a
sphere of a-bun-dance

that keeps us surrounded by all the things that can help us to grow -
while using our intuition to help us to choose which is best when
(through self-muscle testing and other intuitionally strengthening tools)
to find a way to

balance every situation.

When we live with this concept -
we are empowered to make good choices
and make the best out of whatever happens
knowing that our goal is to grow and that that process is what matters - more than any one result.

We live in the center of our:
Sphere of A-bun-dance

at peace


(For information on resolving birth family and current &/or past relationship issues through understanding how to create interdependent relationships click on image below.)

  • transparenting: 7 steps to being out of the way...
  • 3 steps to asking for: soulmates & life callings...
  • Healing vs. waging a war on the body
  • Living in the center of a... Sphere of A-bun-dance
  • 4 archetypal elements of a balanced healthy life
  • centerstretch & yogadance - MovementLifestyles
  • Other books, tools, & services in the works